Rather than bore the kids to death by going over my syllabus the first day, we embarked on the spaghetti/marshmallow tower challenge. Students competed to build the tallest structure using twenty pieces of spaghetti (uncooked), a yard of tape, a yard of string, and one marshmallow. The marshmallow had to be played on the top. Overall, it was a complete....failure...sort of! A few students were able to assemble some kind of structure but certainly nothing to brag about. They seemed a little frustrated, but that was okay. I knew my plan!
The next day I showed them a Ted Talk in which the speaker talks about the group dynamics of the challenge, as well as what group of people is the most successful with this challenge and why. Would you believe kindergartners do better than business students? After watching the video, we discussed what had transpired in their groups the previous day. Then, they attempted the challenge a second time with a new group. It was amazing how much more successful they were the second time.
Afterwards, we debriefed, and I talked about failure and how it CAN lead to success if you are willing to try again. I will be emphasizing this mindset throughout the year!
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