I remember when my oldest son went to middle school. I was a mess. I was so anxious about whether he'd like his teachers, make friends, and be able to handle all of the work. I think I was one of those parents that drive teachers crazy. No, I WAS one of those parents. I emailed teachers with questions that I could have asked my son (even when I asked him, I didn't trust his answer). I checked his grades every day. I constantly asked him whether or not he was caught up on homework. I asked him who he ate lunch with. If he didn't like a teacher, I wanted him transferred to another class. If he messed up, I wanted to fix it. If he didn't turn in an assignment on time, I wanted the teacher to let him turn it in late. If he forgot his lunch, I wanted my husband to bring it to him (thankfully he refused). If he wasn't starting his homework when I thought he should, I was practically putting the pencil in his hand and opening the textbo...