Everyone in education is talking about differentiation and UDL (Universal Designed Learning). For once, this is a bandwagon I want to hop on! I have always believed in differentiation, choice, and helping students be successful using different paths. Not all students work at the same pace, and not all students learn the same way. Free Form Stations allow me to better meet the needs of all of my students. I have used the regular Station Rotation model touted by the eminent Catlin Tucker, but I hadn't yet tried her Free Flowing Station model. We are getting ready to begin Animal Farm (which I have never taught before) and there is a vast amount of prior knowledge students need to truly appreciate this classic. I thought this was the perfect time to give Free Flowing Stations a try! First, I made sure everything was ready to go in Google Classroom and that I had all the hard copies of handouts I needed. I explained to students...