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Showing posts from August, 2019

Shifting to Standards-Based Grading

I have written about grades before (January 2017).  Yet, I think it is a topic worth revisiting.  This summer I have been reading numerous books and articles about grading practices, and it has led me to want to revamp my practices even more than I already have.  Grades, in my opinion, should reflect a student's mastery of standards and skills.  They should not reflect compliance. They may or may not reflect effort.  However, with effort, all students should be able to be successful. So, what do I believe needs to happen? MY SUMMER READING 1) Allow students opportunities to redo, revise, and retake.  Yes, that includes tests.   Oh, and don't average the first test with the retake.  Give the student the highest score.  Some may argue that this isn't fair; the student should have studied harder the first time.  Well, some students don't learn in the same way or at the same pace as other students.  They are already havin...