Students read their work to the group |
By the end of the week, we have a minimum of four pieces in rough draft form. Every other week, students are required to choose one piece to work on and bring to their writing group. On the days we meet with our writing groups, students must bring enough printed copies for each group member. They read their piece aloud to the group and get feedback from each person. They are given the option of having their paper "blessed, addressed, or pressed." I stole this from my idol, Kelly Gallagher. In other words, they can receive just complements, ask for feedback on a particular part of the piece, or both! All of my students chose to be "pressed" and get both types of feedback.
Whichever piece is taken to their writing group is then revised and published to our classroom writing blog. Here, the entire class can read each other's work!
Teaching this class is a dream come true. It's not just because I enjoy teaching writing though! It's the kids themselves! They are kind, positive, encouraging, creative, and fun!
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